Innocent Still
Stefan Baltensperger, 2011
“Innocent Still” is an expression of a present situation, which includes a longing for virgin innocence on the one hand, and the recognition of the impossibility of renouncing the negative aspects of the capitalistic system into which I was born on the other.
I am very interested in how people arrange their identity in their own culture. How can we identify our self in the context of a cultural history, into which everyone is born without the ability to influence where. What level of responsibility is born for things that were not influenced by an individual, such as history or recent problems in society? I am not sure if we have ever been innocent at any time at all.
In my opinion any utopia is closely connected with its history. This is one of many possible conclusions. Therefore it is never possible to renounce ones own culture because this would mean giving up ones own identity.
Innocent Still was recorded with a mobile phone device. The work also explores the limit of the medium and its specific aesthetic character. The esthetic expression is created by fast camera movements in realtime recording. Only a few cuts are used to change the scenes. The soundtrack is a remix of a song of the experimental sound collective „SUPERTERZ“, over layered by a female voice reading stock market prices.